Join Us

We meet on Monday evenings at 7:30 pm at the West Monkton Village Hall, nr Taunton,TA2 8NE in the Heathfield Hall.

Please feel free to come and see us.

Click Here for a map to the hall

Ordinary Membership costs £25.00 (payable by the end of September)

Evening Costs are £4.00 or £5.00 depending on the speaker

Refreshments are included.

Who We Are

The Phoenix Group of Photographers prides itself on non-competitive support for all skill levels.


Phoenix is well established offering new photographers a supportive environment with a diverse knowledge base, and offer the more experiences photographers a place to share experience with like minded people wanting to network with others who share a passion for the art of photography.


So no matter what your skill level or experience, our common aim is to learn and share and support others with photography.

If you would like to get involved just email and we will look forward to meeting you.



President: John Loveday 

Chairman: John Gamblin -

Vice Chairman: Tony Raymond -

Secretary: Sue Raymond -

Treasurer: Sue Raymond -

Programme Secretary & Webmaster: David Beer -

Exhibition Secretary:  Ray McIntosh 

Webmaster: WendyTancock -   

PR Officer:  Sarah Woods -

Equipment Officer: Tony Raymond -

Competitions Secretary John Gamblin

Committee Member: Chris Mowthorpe ARPS DPAGB   &  Roger Johnson


New 2024/2025 Programme



A Presentation of MPIX 2024

competition winners.


Land of Mountain and Flood

Malcolm McNaughton

16th SEPTEMBER 2024


Scott Hurd's zoom presentation living 

and working as a photographer in


23rd SEPTEMBER 2024

The Dabbler

A talk by photographer

Di Wilkins

30th SEPTEMBER 2024

Digital Critique

Critiqued by Keith Spicer


7th OCTOBER 2024

Story/Narrative Photography

Laura Pearce

14th OCTOBER 2024

Travel Talk

Svalbarb and the Russian High Arctic.

Chris Marsham 


Also Members' Exhibition on at

Taunton Library until 26th Oct.

21st OCTOBER 2024

Backwell Print Critique

28th OCTOBER 2024

Print Critique

Critiqued by Peter Hyett

4th NOVEMBER 2024

Through an Older Eye

Simon Williams

11th NOVEMBER 2024

Talk Sports

Warren Alani presents his sports

photography presentation on zoom.

18th NOVEMBER 2024


Tim Jones returns to the club.

25th NOVEMBER 2024

Digital Critique

Critiqued by Andy Frances.

2nd DECEMBER 2024

Christmas Meal

*Details to be confirmed.

9th DECEMBER 2024

Wild Earth Pictures

Photography by Simon Van-Orden

16th DECEMBER 2024

What the Romans Did for Me

Pauline Rook returns speaking about a

Roman mosaic discovery in Lopen.

23rd DECEMBER 2024

No meeting

XMAS break

1st January 2025

No meeting

New years Day

6th January 2025

Chasing the Light

Simon Van-Orden

(Zoom presentation)

13th January 2025

Dublin Camera Federation

Joint Digital Critique

(Zoom presentation)

20th January 2025

The 7th Masters of Print

Salon des Refusés

27th January 2025

Digital Critique

3 Images per member

3rd February 2025

Journey to Fellowship in Prints

Andrew Marker

10th February 2025

Capturing the Heart of the


Dean Allen, Scottish Landscape Photographer of the Year

17th February 2025

My Photography

Paul Stanley FIPF, EFIAP/g 

24th February 2025

Print Critique

3 or 5 prints to make a panel

3rd March 2025

Painting with Light


10th March 2025


17th March 2025

WCPF Print Exhibition

24th March 2025

Pedro Landers

31st March 2025

Digital Critique

3 Images per member

7th April 2025

Club AGM

14th April 2025

Bristol Salon

21st April 2025

Easter Bank Holiday

28th April 2025

Print Critique

3 Prints per member

8 still life by j loveday
1 Budleigh trees Tom Hurst
13 Glickenhaus during Scruteneering Robeert Young
01 The Things People Photograph Chris Mowthorpe
17 Working Together Martin Barber
6 Abbey Road Moment Mike Chinnock
03 lindifarne castle Tony Raymond
9 stourhead Tony Raymond copy
2 The Dales Ray McIntosh
02 In my shadow_terry cawley
20 Shaded Terry Crawley
02 Fisherman Cloud-David Beer
19 Needs a Lick of paint John Gamblin
15 Till we meet again Chris Penney
5 Surfing David Beer
4 Scotland loch Lynne Thomas(1)
02 knightshayes crown Tom Hurst
01 Puffin Martin Barber
02 dune Lynne Thomas
01 Portrait Chris Penney
01 Agarth Falls Ray Mac
York's Dales Wildflowers Ray Mac
Lyme Lunge Up to his neck in it - David Beer___serialized1
Little Langdale Tree Chris Mowthorpe
Needs a Lick of paint John Gamblin
Dales Steam by J Loveday
Island windmill_terry cawley
Old boat John  Gamblin (1)
Yorkshire Dales by J Loveday
Quantock pathway Tony raymond
Shaded_terry cawley-001
Birnbeck Pier Tony Raymond
Autumn on the Quantocks Chris Mowthorpe
Lighthouse Lynne Thomas
Windmill Terry Cawley
Reflective Chaos Wendy McClean

Image Sizes for Submissions

Our projector has a resolution size of 1920x 1080 so images must be resized to these dimensions i.e landscapes 1920 wide and if possible 1080 high, this latter dimension could of course be smaller if a letterbox image is displayed,in the case of portrait images these must be no taller than 1080 the width will sort itself out on resizing.

Providing images are no larger than those stated all will project without problem.